Just about one year after schools shut down due to the pandemic, it appears they may again open their doors. Parents everywhere breathe a collective sigh of relief as the days of online learning, and pent up energy may be coming to a close.

School won’t look exactly as it did, with hybrid learning, pods, masks, and social distancing the norm, but NW Microbe Free Solutions stands ready to help open those doors and get our kids back in the classroom to learn, grow, and get out of the house!
We’re no strangers to cleaning protocols and practices that are now part of our pandemic world. While many businesses shut down, those that housed essential workers had to find safe ways to remain open. Many turned to us for their cleaning and disinfecting needs. Knowing our products kill 99.9% of bacteria, germs, and viruses including the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19 gave businesses the peace of mind they needed to remain open and keep their employees and customers safe. We offer schools and the communities they serve that same peace of mind that our kids will be protected from COVID-19.
Our job starts with a deep cleaning and disinfecting using a fog atomizer that penetrates both hard and soft surfaces and gets into the hardest to reach areas. Next, we apply our XMicrobe© Antimicrobial that forms a long-lasting protective shield over all surfaces. We knock germs out with a one-two punch. The cafeteria may have some spilled milk, the gym some scuffed floors, and the lab may smell like a bunsen burner, but the building will be a safe haven from viruses and bacteria.

Schools reopening will also bring a return to sports. There is arguably no greater risk of germ spreading than in a school gym where sweating, strenuous physical activity, and loud voices are part of the routine. When teams hit the floor for volleyball or basketball, our cleaning solutions remove the imminent risk of virus and bacteria spread.
A final step for a safe reopening is to figure out how to transport students to school, and sports teams to the big game. NW Microbe Free Solutions has the…well…solutions. We offer full-fleet cleaning services using the same basic clean, disinfect, and sanitize process we use for buildings, with an added measure that buses are cleaned before and after each route. Keeping the kids socially distanced on that bus is out of our control, but we know they can do it.
Schools returning to some state of normal is welcome news and we look forward to helping provide the solutions for reducing the risk of COVID-19 exposure as well as other germs, viruses, and bacterias. We can keep them safe, but sorry, we can’t make them do their homework.